18 mos. ago I had a business it was Christmas and it was a beautiful flower shop. At that time a lot of things went wrong and January 2nd I’ve found myself homeless without any money living in a car. A few weeks later, I discovered ThetaHealing and my whole life were changed.
At that period of that I had beautiful relationship, I’ve recently moved into a beautiful farm – on a hill. I have looked the whole of Manchester and it was an amazing sight. I wake up in the morning to the sound of cows. I can truly say that having lost everything; starting from absolutely zero, not even have money to buy something to eat, being unwell and unable to walk and from that period of time I have grown into a person I didn’t realize I could.
I would recommend people start with Theta Healing when I did. The way I look at it, it is a wonderful thing to learn. It will change your life. If you meet the person that will teach you Theta Healing, that person will change your life the instant you meet them. I can say that while spending 3 weeks here with the course, I would go home as a new person. I know I’m a good healer, I know am given the tools to have a job and travel the streets for the whole of my life, the past lessons that I’ve learned with the last 18 months it is about change, about growing, and about discovering things in me are all part of that journey but I know now I could see some part of the world and teach people and help heal people. And to make just a little bit of difference. That’s what you want to do and you feel that changing people’s lives can help changing your own is your idea of success then you have to do ThetaHealing.
Some pretty amazing things that have happened to me; It was taken back to the past time when I am walking into a room, I can hear a tap-tap-tap and when she asked me, I can’t see anything around me and where I’ve gone I can’t say anything but I can hear music like I was blind. Jesus Christ has healed me. There was a time that I couldn’t see if I don’t have my glasses on but now, I can take it off see clearly 98%. When I realized that I spent most of my life wearing spectacles probably because of beliefs and now I can see across the room, I can see signs, I can see birds, I can see flowers. I wear glasses when I get home because I will be driving a car and let’s face it just not quite right. But I know when I get home, I start working with my eye sight and I know I can make a difference.
I thank Vianna. I hope you get the opportunity to have what we get with Theta Healing. Take the chance. Don’t worry that you have to pay for it because the money will come. You just have to decide how you are going to do it. Thank you.
-David Waltons