Approximately, a year and a half ago, my daughter was six months pregnant and at that time the perinatal had stated that my precious granddaughter, first of all, had 2 chambers of the heart missing and at that point told my daughter that if she wanted to consider aborting the baby and that was not an option. We knew that the information we received was not correct – that the baby was just so small, they couldn’t see her heart properly but intuitively we also knew that there was a problem with the heart and a week later the perinatal cardiologist confirmed our worst nightmare or worst fears that our precious Sophia had a hole in her aortic valve. At that time when she was diagnosed with a hole in her aortic valve, I asked the doctor, is it possible that the hole in her aortic valve would heal prior to delivery and his response or reply was: “Absolutely not. It’s not possible.” And again, I say that was not acceptable.
In defense of the medical profession, I have to say that never in medical history has it been heard of but I knew as a result of witnessing many miracles with DNA ThetaHealing– bones: realigning and resetting themselves, muscles: torn rotator cuff healing in a matter of 10 minutes, I knew what could be done with DNA Theta. At the time Sophia was born, actually because of the work that we did while in the womb her heart healed it is beyond medical explanation and it is beyond medical reasoning but it is not beyond DNA Theta Healing and I knew that was my truth. Thankfully, my daughter accepted it as her truth as well as my precious granddaughter. Sophia turned 1, June 12th and she is a beautiful, radiant and perfectly healthy child. There was nothing wrong with her at all when she was born. They couldn’t understand why but I know why, that’s all I needed to know.
Just last week, I received a phone call from a friend from Fort Lauderdale area, who had torn her rotator cuff in the same place for the second time. She went for cortisone shots and MRI’s confirming torn rotator calf and they put her in a sling. And even after the cortisone shot, the pain was not subsiding. So she called me, knowing that I’m here, she called me asked me to please help her. 10 minutes on the phone with her and doing some belief work and then going in and witnessing the torn rotator tear healing – it healed within 10 mins. She’s getting another MRI to confirm that it is actually healed. Before the healing she could not move her arm above her chest. She was in a sling, the pain was so excruciating she couldn’t sleep, she cried for nights, I was on the phone with her for a total of 10 minutes and that torn rotator healed instantly. That’s a direct result of DNA Theta and what it has the power to do within us.
DNA ThetaHealing has the power to alter our lives as well as heal physically in instant. Our bodies are highly intelligent wide system and it was created and prepared to heal in itself. Cells communicate cell to cell, there was a language communicated there’s no verbal language required for that. As a result of me believing that, with DNA Theta, it healed my precious granddaughter’s heart. Amongst other miracles, that was the most astounding and profound and if you like more information about me, you can visit my website is
-April Colon Pagan