vianna stibal – ThetaHealing Technique ThetaHealing is a spiritual modality that will change your life. Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:43:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ThetaHealing and My New Life Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:39:03 +0000 18 mos. ago I had a business it was Christmas and it was a beautiful flower shop. At that time a lot of things went wrong and January 2nd I’ve found myself homeless without any money living in a car. A few weeks later, I discovered ThetaHealing and my whole life were changed.

At that period of that I had beautiful relationship, I’ve recently moved into a beautiful farm – on a hill. I have looked the whole of Manchester and it was an amazing sight. I wake up in the morning to the sound of cows. I can truly say that having lost everything; starting from absolutely zero, not even have money to buy something to eat, being unwell and unable to walk and from that period of time I have grown into a person I didn’t realize I could.

I would recommend people start with Theta Healing when I did. The way I look at it, it is a wonderful thing to learn. It will change your life. If you meet the person that will teach you Theta Healing, that person will change your life the instant you meet them. I can say that while spending 3 weeks here with the course, I would go home as a new person. I know I’m a good healer, I know am given the tools to have a job and travel the streets for the whole of my life, the past lessons that I’ve learned with the last 18 months it is about change, about growing, and about discovering things in me are all part of that journey but I know now I could see some part of the world and teach people and help heal people. And to make just a little bit of difference. That’s what you want to do and you feel that changing people’s lives can help changing your own is your idea of success then you have to do ThetaHealing.

Some pretty amazing things that have happened to me; It was taken back to the past time when I am walking into a room, I can hear a tap-tap-tap and when she asked me, I can’t see anything around me and where I’ve gone I can’t say anything but I can hear music like I was blind. Jesus Christ has healed me. There was a time that I couldn’t see if I don’t have my glasses on but now, I can take it off see clearly 98%. When I realized that I spent most of my life wearing spectacles probably because of beliefs and now I can see across the room, I can see signs, I can see birds, I can see flowers. I wear glasses when I get home because I will be driving a car and let’s face it just not quite right. But I know when I get home, I start working with my eye sight and I know I can make a difference.

I thank Vianna. I hope you get the opportunity to have what we get with Theta Healing. Take the chance. Don’t worry that you have to pay for it because the money will come. You just have to decide how you are going to do it. Thank you.

-David Waltons

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Vianna’s Self Healing Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:52:48 +0000 Back in 1995, I was going through a transition within my life and this amazing lady Vianna came into my life. She looked at the girl back me and told her that she was pregnant. She looked at me and she told me what was going on with my life and I was working at a little petty place – mall and it was “The Boot Ranch”. At that point in time, I decided that I wanted to go see Vianna.

She did an absolutely amazing job of reading me. She told me everything about my life – went clear back when I was 16. It was really transforming for me because for 2 years previous to that, I did nothing but cry. When I met Vianna, I stopped crying and I realized that I was going to be okay.

I was driving around with my daughter and I hear, you need to go see Vianna. She doesn’t want to see me – she’s busy. And I heard: No. You need to go now. Then, it was like the car have a mind of its own and I ended at along the Snake River in front of her office.

I went it and she was really having a hard time walking and she says: I need to go to the hospital and I need to go to the doctor. My daughter and I took her in into our car and took her at the little emergency care. It was there that she actually received her first diagnosis that she has cancer. It was really a shock for us to see. She went to the bone doctor and then she ended up going to UT.

Our children run and play together and I am one of the first people who found out about the diagnosis she have received. I remember her, she was on crutches and she couldn’t walk. She was told that she took and put any weight on the leg where the doctor’s have done biopsy on it – if she put any weight on that leg, it would break. At that particular point in time, cancer affects pretty much the entire body; I remember watching her from the top floor of our apartment and she was across the bottom – she was going out every morning to go to work because she had to take care of her children.

In fact, I remember that there some friends who have gone to the same luck and I remember the very first healing that she did. After that, she actually healed her leg and then we took – we started with electrosectrograph and being able to see the people who really going in to Theta. From the very beginning classes, I was within the ThetaHealing and I followed it all the way through. I was in the very first teachers, whenever we took clients we said okay. Let’s take and teach the teachers.

This beautiful technique when the Creator into each people actually able to take and to heal themselves. We watched it with Vianna and in her leg. Her leg instantly grew. It was absolutely amazing to take and to watch – to watch the healing  [ Theta Healing ]. I’ve seen Vianna sick and then I saw her well. In fact, we got a call from Bobby and she said: you’re not going to believe it! You’re not going to believe it! My mom healed her leg. My mom healed her leg! Of course, at that time, Rachel and I we’re flying down the stairs to see her.

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Good Bye Depression Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:43:10 +0000 My name is Lynda Chaikin and I had the pleasure of being a Theta Healer for four years professionally and a Theta Healing instructor for 2 years.

I discovered Theta Healing when it saved my life 7 years ago. Both of my grandmothers had been diagnosed with genetic depression, genetic anxiety, and had institutionalization and shock treatment at around the age I was 7 years ago. By that time, I already spent 12 out of 14 years on psychiatric medication. I had already found that 12 different protocols failed. Each one at about a year and I had been using a supplement regimen in an attempt to be able to stay off my medication for two years, I did succeed in going through of 18 months of withdrawal of my medications. 6 months later I suddenly realized that I was depressed again.

Ever since I was 5, I’ve struggled with depression up until 7 years ago with ThetaHealing and since I was 11, I was struggling with suicidal depression, and it was progressively getting worst. So, by the time I was 49 I’ve had about enough.

It was February and I knew I was turning 50 on Oct 1 and I wrote a letter to God that one morning in February. My letter says, “I’m not willing to turn 50 like this. I’m not willing to stay alive for my loved ones anymore and I’m not willing to go back on medications because they don’t work. I’m not willing to have an electroshock therapy like my grandmothers did.” People were recommending electroshock therapy since the medications didn’t work. I said: “What are we going to do about this?” That was my letter to God and I signed it.

Then, I got up to have breakfast, turned up the radio and a Theta Healer was being interviewed. A few minutes at my breakfast table, I realized, she’s talking about my situation. She’s just describing it to a tea; the genetic depression, genetic anxiety and how people will use addictions and especially sugar. I had a sugar addiction that I could not even manage with anything.

I called her up since the interview was over and she worked on me. My first session, she was from Colorado, which is by phone and I’m in Sta. Cruz; In my first session, she healed genetic depression and she healed genetic anxiety, balance my neuro transmitters over the phone and I will tell you, 7 years later that I was right and reigned ever since and I’m really grateful for it.

I was still impressed with how fast it worked and how well it worked after so many modalities were not able to touch this suicidal depression that I decided that I wanted to become Theta Healer and be able to pass this healing on. I have half a dozen people in my practice. I really do need to count or find out exactly how many by now; those who would come of psychiatric medications of course with supervision of their doctors.

The really wonderful thing is that I’ve been able to teach people how to do this. I’ve become a ThetaHealing instructor and now I have students who knows how do this as well.

I am so grateful to Vianna Stibal for having the courage, devotion and dedication in developing this method of healing; For stepping up and teaching it to other people and for going a step further and creating other people who can teach it. I’m dearly grateful to her and I know I owe her and ThetaHealing my life.

Beyond saving my life, Theta Healing has given me a life that I enjoyed living. It has allowed me to thrive not just survive. It is so deeply rewarding and satisfying to be able to witness, facilitate healings to other people and to witness all kinds of maladies. It heals very promptly in so many cases. For mental health issues, where people struggle so many years just to get better and with ThetaHealing they get better so quickly.

I’m delighted and thank you for the opportunity to tell my story.

-Lynda Chaikins

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Follow Your Heart Tue, 03 Sep 2013 16:12:29 +0000 Hi! My name is Christina. The first time that I heard about Theta Healing was because I prayed to God to help me in the difficult moment of my life and I found out ThetaHealing thru the internet.

Since then, I took many classes with Vianna Stibal and I just finished this class about intuitive anatomy. I can say that it is the best class that I ever took in my life.

ThetaHealing has really changed my life. I was a different person 3 years ago. Then I met Vianna for the first time. I kept growing with every class that I take. In every class, it is a different experience but I think that really the core of Theta Healing is the intuitive anatomy class.

I’m so happy and so blessed that I have done this class. Vianna is an amazing person. She knows that she has helped so many people to really shine and do their best.

I think that everybody should do this class as a gift for themselves; see firsthand how this class can help them to change their lives deeply and heal deep – really fast.

What I really wanted to say is just follow your heart and your heart will bring you to God. In ThetaHealing, definitely there is God and you can feel Him.

– Christina Valacchis

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Sean Campbell’s Experience with ThetaHealing Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:27:11 +0000 My name is Sean Michael Campbell. My earliest conscious memory was at the age of 2 and a half; and I remember lying in a hospital bed watching my mother and my grandmother crying ferociously because this doctor just told them that they have to give this baby boy insulin shots for the rest of his life. That he would be lucky to live till the age of 25 – I’ll be 41 next year; And that he would probably lose his legs, go blind, experience kidney failure, and heart disease.

It was a pretty traumatic moment. I remember feeling incredibly defeated, I remember feeling conquered, and I remembered feeling angry about this 3 major facets of diabetic thinking subconsciously. They also told my parents that I would also go through this stage called diabetic denial. They are programming me for the issues: defeat, control, anger, denial and immediately the addiction becomes a facet because your body becomes addicted to this foreign substance called insulin shots. And the mind does amazing things with its beliefs. I’m an incredibly angry child;Feeling completely controlled, trying to control things but then knowing that I can’t control anything thus feeding the anger and it’s just snow balling.

So the journey continuous when I am 24 yrs old, I went blind; literally within a month – completely blind. That was an eye opening experience. At age 30, the kidney failure started. By the time I was 32, they started talking about amputation. I have bleeding ulcers on my legs, open sores that never healed. When I was 34 yrs old, I remember feeling helpless to the repetitive thought on my mind, that I was a dead man walking. And my doctors were telling me that I will be starting dialysis within a month. My kidneys were shut, I was in renal failure. They figured that they would probably have to start taking parts of my feet and legs within a year. But their honest opinion was they thought I might probably be lucky if my heart made it another day. You know you have a standard cast figure in diabetic figure in glass panel and they have a heart attack risk assessment on there, 0-4 is the average range, if you’re at .7, you need medication, you need change of life. Mine was like 5.9. The prognosis is not good.

I found myself in a very interesting situation and I was incredibly defeated my whole life. This was the height of defeat for me. And I got out of the bed one morning and my wife for 13 years told me she was leaving. So I’ve manifested my worse fear was raising my children alone. She left me and my children while I was dying. And I got mad at God. I got really mad at the universe, and I said you better fix this and you better fix this now. I don’t recommend that but it worked.

I met Vianna Stibal a week later, my nephews were stating that their daughters were coming into reality and they kept telling me that you got to come see this lady, that maybe she can help you. I was like, I don’t believe in that stuff, no. I just happened to be pulled in there one day and I was just mesmerized by her (Vianna Stibal) presence.   She (Vianna) walks up to me and she puts her hand on my shoulder like what she does with many of us and the feeling that overcame me was incredible. I felt like I was hugged by every loving mother in the planet all at once. She looks at me; “honey I think your blood sugar is a bit high, about 300 you might want to go check that”. I’m just standing there blown away not realizing what happened. Then I checked my blood sugar, it was 308.

Well denial of being positive with diabetes, all of that was just luck. For the next 2 weeks I just can’t get the thought of this woman out of my mind. 24/7 I could not stop thinking about Vianna and I went back. I talked to Bobbi and say, can I see your mom to make a healing on me.  She said, comeback tomorrow at 9, she will be in – in the morning. So I, came back.  I was nervous.   So scared.  I didn’t know what to expect but I knew that when she touched me something woke inside and I want more of it.  It felt good, felt safe and it felt like love that I’ve never felt.

She comes strolling in, this lady looks exhausted to me and I’m starting to feel bad thinking that she’s too tired.   She doesn’t have to do this for me.  I’m just trying to run from the healing I just asked for.  She takes me into a room and sits me down and talks to me in a minute. S he’s kind of doing some stretches to get ready for a dance, and then she just reaches out and grabs my hands. Goes to what it sounded like a chant, and in the moment I honestly can’t remember a lot of what she said but I know the word love, forgiveness and joy were mentioned in that.  I felt this amazing energy come through me-into me. I started to tremble inside it was amazing. That went on for a minute or two and she got up, and then said – “I got to get to work honey. Enjoy your day”.  She left the room and I got up, and I could hardly stand.  It (Vianna’s use of ThetaHealing) really was an amazing experience.

By the time I got 40 feet from where I was sitting, I started to tear and that was difficult because I was taught that big boys don’t cry; Men don’t cry they don’t show their emotions but I was crying. The odd thing for me is that I felt joy – I was crying joy. By the time I got to the front door, I was just an idiot in tears, just balling – sobbing joy. It was mind blowing. Then I get my truck fired it up and get on the road, by the 8th of a mile, I pulled over. I couldn’t physically think enough to drive and I cried for 20 minutes pure joy. Thank you for that moment Vianna. It woke me up. It started my healing.  Two days later when my feet hit the ground or when I came back to Earth, I remember her telling me that, not only I could do this but anyone could if they wanted to.   I went back and just started to study ThetaHealing. I wanted to heal. I wanted to live.

I had 2 beautiful amazing daughters and I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to see them get married, graduate high school, and have children. I wanted to grow and experience life for the 1st time in my life. And so, the diabetes that was the journey and the love begun. I’ve studied Theta Healing for 7 years now and I will tell you that 95% of the diabetic side effects are gone. My feet are ticklish; with prescription, I see 20/20 vision; my kidneys were perfect – that story is going to blow your mind. In the beginning of my healing,

I am in an addictive thinking pattern. I didn’t know what else to do but I have been taught how to put this light, this love, this energy into anything and I was addicted to soda pop. It was killing my kidneys because the doctors told me so.  The only thing I could do because I am still in a state of helplessness or being the victim, is that I would bless every can of soda. I am still drinking 6 or 12 pack a day to heal my kidneys. I hadn’t done much belief work (via Thetahealing), I hadn’t had many healings, but within 3 months I had perfectly functioning kidneys. My adrenals had straightened out, and my thyroid was perfect. It was the power of belief. It wasn’t Dr. Pepper but it was our belief going in to this inanimate unhealthy substance that healed my body and I was beginning to wonder the love of God, to believe in myself and it continuous.

So, if you (thetahealing practitioners) have clients with type 1 diabetes start with defeat, control and anger is huge. Denial, feeling conquered, helplessness, and addiction those are the beliefs that I’ve cleared.  I am that close to my healing. Positive mental attitude is huge. Retrain your brain to think health, love abundance and you’ll experience that. Your thoughts are so powerful. Your mind is so brilliant and if you can think it to the point that you believe it, it will become your reality.

Everything that has happened to me is impossible and my doctors are just scratching their head. They are not ready to hear how I’ve gone to do about it but they do tell me to keep doing what I’m doing. If I can do it, you can do it. And if you can do it, you can teach your clients, your students, to do it. There were 70 people in this room, give or take, what we’re doing here now is changing the world. What happens if you teach 70, and they teach 70 and the domino continuous? We can eradicate this disease of diabetes. We can help people be free from cancer, from lupus, from anything that ails you. It’s all a result of our thinking which you realize what we were thinking. Be honest with yourself; begin to know who you are.

Live the present life. Be present in the moment. You only truly ever lived now. Does tomorrow really ever come, it does on the calendar, it does on the clock but is it not true knowing is right now?  Worrying about yesterday, freaking out about next week, it really doesn’t do you any good. It creates stress and stress can create all kinds of sickness. What time is it, it’s now. Where am I, I’m here. Who am I, I am this moment. It’s really simple because if you are really present you find the beauty that’s in your life. And if you can acknowledge and have gratitude for what you have for what’s in your immediate reality right now the universe will bless you abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Health becomes easy, money it’s just energy; how do you want to live your life?  Change of thinking.   Get (Theta Healing)DNA 3 and realize that I have plenty and believe it and you will live it and then it is easy to believe.


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